Life’s Algorithm

Sakshi Sawant
Feb 23, 2021

When a Software Developer writes a poetry!

img-credits: GeeksforGeeks

In this life’s HTML
add CSS,
and be JavaScript.

C the world with the class of logic
And react accordingly.
Stack up your goals,
quicksort your priorities.
Divide the goals into tasks,
conquer it in O(1) rather than O(n).

Be greddy for knowledge
not for wealth,
Because your successes
are waiting in queue.

In the process if you encounter the exception,
reach out to stack overflow,
complile it again till its successful.
If you still got the bug use recursion
until its executed successfully.

With this growing competitive framework,
be Java and stay simple like python,
but don’t comment out the inline happiness
and be github of someone’s life.

